How can I save the PDF maps to use later on my phone offline?
Both Android and IOS allow you to download files onto your phone! Find your favorite run on the site, download the PDF onto your phone, and now you are ready with your map to tackle the trails!
How can I use the GPX files on my iPhone for navigation?

There are a few good apps for iPhone, but we prefer the MotionX-GPS app. It only costs $1.99 and has features for recording and viewing GPS tracks, elevation profiles, and waypoints. The app lets you choose many different map types, including road and satellite maps from Google, Apple, and Bing, and also OpenStreetMaps and OpenCycleMaps, which show most trails in the Bay Area and can be downloaded for free to the phone for use later offline. This is really handy if you want to use the GPX track for navigation in an area where you have no service.
To import the GPX file into the MotionX-GPS app, the easiest way is to download the GPX file from the Trailstompers site on your Mac or PC, and then email the GPX file to [email protected] using an email account that is also set up on your iPhone. MotionX will send a reply email with a link that you can access from your iPhone. Tap the link and the MotionX-GPS app will automatically launch and import the file.
Some other lovely applications out there are RunGo, BikeGPX, Gaia, and Strava. Check out Outdoor Gear Lab's advice on how to use your phone for navigation.
To import the GPX file into the MotionX-GPS app, the easiest way is to download the GPX file from the Trailstompers site on your Mac or PC, and then email the GPX file to [email protected] using an email account that is also set up on your iPhone. MotionX will send a reply email with a link that you can access from your iPhone. Tap the link and the MotionX-GPS app will automatically launch and import the file.
Some other lovely applications out there are RunGo, BikeGPX, Gaia, and Strava. Check out Outdoor Gear Lab's advice on how to use your phone for navigation.
I do not carry a phone on my run, how can I bring a map?
In the age of technology, the easiest and most foolproof way is to actually bring a map! Print it out, stuff it in a ziploc bag, and put it into your pocket. Now you are ready to tear up the trails with a makeshift waterproof map!
For a high tech solution, modern GPS watches can fill in the gap. Garmin, Suunto, and Coros are three manufacturers that make great watches that you can load GPX files onto. They are quite the investment ($200+ depending on the watch) but they are a great life line when off trail or when you do not want to bring a phone. I'm still rocking an original Garmin Fenix from 2012 and it works amazingly!
For a high tech solution, modern GPS watches can fill in the gap. Garmin, Suunto, and Coros are three manufacturers that make great watches that you can load GPX files onto. They are quite the investment ($200+ depending on the watch) but they are a great life line when off trail or when you do not want to bring a phone. I'm still rocking an original Garmin Fenix from 2012 and it works amazingly!
Can I use the GPX files to make my own topo maps of the route?

There are a few sites that let you do this. We prefer CalTopo or GPSVisualizer. Both sites allow you to upload a GPX track and overlay it on the map of your choice.
CalTopo has a variety of different map layers including USGS and US Forest Service topographic maps, Google maps, and OpenStreetMaps/OpenCycleMaps. You can also add contour shading to the map. You just need to upload the GPX file, select the map layers, then select "Print". You can adjust the size and orientation of the printed map.
GPSVisualizer also lets you overlay the track on a variety of different map layers, including Google maps and a variety of topographic maps. You can also create elevation profiles and Google Earth files. There are many output options that can be customized for your map before printing.
CalTopo has a variety of different map layers including USGS and US Forest Service topographic maps, Google maps, and OpenStreetMaps/OpenCycleMaps. You can also add contour shading to the map. You just need to upload the GPX file, select the map layers, then select "Print". You can adjust the size and orientation of the printed map.
GPSVisualizer also lets you overlay the track on a variety of different map layers, including Google maps and a variety of topographic maps. You can also create elevation profiles and Google Earth files. There are many output options that can be customized for your map before printing.
Why does my watch/phone say I did more/less miles and elevation than Trailstompers?
Depending on the device you record on as well as the software used to analyze your GPS files there may be discrepancies in mileage and elevation gain. Devices differ on how accurate they are as well as how often they record to GPX, FIT, and other GPS file formats. Different programs also may interpret that data differently resulting in further discrepancy. If you would like a more detailed explanation this Caltopo blog post goes into greater details on why and how GPS tracks differ.