Long Ridge to Portola Redwoods and back (14.6 mi, ~2800 feet elevation gain)
This challenging run links Long Ridge Open Space Preserve and Portola Redwoods State Park via Ward Road. The first half of the run is entirely downhill as you drop into a beautiful redwood-filled canyon. After a brief rest at the Park Office, it's time to head back up the hill for the second half. Be warned: the climb is fairly steep in sections. In one 3-mile stretch you gain over 1500 feet!
The run starts from the Hickory Oaks Trailhead on Skyline Blvd, about 1.5 miles north of the Hwy 9 junction at Saratoga Gap. Heading north from Saratoga Gap, the trailhead will be on your left side. There is a dirt roadside parking area along Skyline Blvd near the trailhead that is large enough to fit several cars. GPX Track Printable Trail Map Driving Directions |
Route Details:
Important! Due to the drought of 2014 the water at the Portola Redwoods State Park Office may be shut off. Check with the Park Office to find out the current status!
Important! Due to the drought of 2014 the water at the Portola Redwoods State Park Office may be shut off. Check with the Park Office to find out the current status!